Many of the actors involved in transition and alternatives have started working on mapping their organizations, actions and ecosystems.

However, in most cases, the information is spread across the organizations’ different websites and data cannot be exchanged due to the different technical choices: until now it has been impossible to produce an aggregated display.

A dozen collectives have spent two years working on linking these alternatives by developing open-source tools for connecting the different existing databases and displaying them in the same place: TRANSISCOPE


Twelve organizations have been working on the project for two years, supported by citizens from different backgrounds, some but not all of them members of the participating organizations.


The project is managed by members of the organizations that make up the collective with support from contributors who have in-depth experience in the subject or have worked on similar initiatives.

Working groups focus on specific areas: content, technology and usability, data, communication, funding, etc.

A steering committee made up of a representative from each organization meets every month to define strategies and approve project developments..



Alternatiba is a movement made up of thousands of citizens tackling the climate emergency by promoting and setting up concrete alternatives and organizing non-violent resistance to climaticide projects.

L’Assemblée Virtuelle is a non-profit organization based at the experimental Grands Voisins site in Paris. It was created in May 2011. It takes the form of an ecosystem of actors working collaboratively to develop commons (open-source tools, methodologies and projects). The organization has around twenty active contributors with a wide variety of profiles who want to use the potential of semantic web technologies to provide actors working for transition with effective tools.

Les Colibris, are individuals who invent, experiment and cooperate in concrete ways to build models for collective living which respect nature and humans.

Le Mouvement Utopia was in created in 2000 to support the deconstruction of sources of alienation in our societies: the dogma of growth as the solution to our economic ills, belief in consumption as the only criterion for individual fulfilment, and the centrality of the work ethic as the only organizational model for life in society.

Cap ou pas cap is a non-profit organization whose mission is to get the greatest possible number of citizens involved in alternative actions for building a human, environmentally friendly society rooted in solidarity. Created in 2013 in Paris, it provides a digital, collaborative map of citizen alternatives and offers people who want to get involved opportunities to join existing actions that transform daily life or create new actions.

Le CRID et la solidarité internationale : The Centre de recherche et d’information pour le développement (CRID) [Research and Information Centre for Development] was set up in 1976 by eight organizations involved in international solidarity. It now comprises fifty or so organizations which share the same vision of international solidarity, rooted in partnership and development education. The CRID organizes a wide range of campaigns raising issues with public decision-makers and promoting citizen action based on the advocacy work carried out by its members.

Le Collectif des associations citoyennes (CAC) was founded in 2010 to:

  • combat the instrumentalization of non-profit organizations and limiting of their role to their commercial dimension;
  • defend non-profit organizations’ contribution to the general interest and construction of a solidarity-based, sustainable and participative society.

What is #WARN!? We are people committed to change who want to provide concrete solutions to society’s current challenges in areas including the environment, health and employment. This is the goal for an increasing number of us. Solutions exist and we are ready to apply them and disseminate them. Our movement, WARN! (We Are Ready Now!), connects every person who wants things to change with the alternatives that match them. Because we’re ready, here and now!


RIPESS is an international network of continental networks committed to promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE). The continental networks that make up RIPESS (in Latin America, the Caribbean, North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania) are in turn made up of national networks and sector-based networks, giving RIPESS a strong local presence. Thanks to its global and local scope,  it can effectively promote the SSE, encourage intercontinental cooperation and carry out advocacy actions at different levels

Le Mouvement de l’économie solidaire was set up in 2002 on the foundations of the Inter-Réseaux de l’Economie Solidaire with the goal of creating a vast movement comprising initiatives working in the solidarity economy, thus giving them real visibility.  is a resource website supported by RIPESS Europe designed to give all citizens, particularly students, researchers, journalists and local elected officials, easy access to information on the SSE. The site gives us an overview of this alternative way of approaching the economy so we can change our patterns of development. 

GARC.ESS is a collective that supports players in the SSE with coherent ideological and technical tools so as not to mislead the project or miss out on the objectives of social transformation



The project is funded by its developers: